Publicités de Smowtion

pastilla fish and seafood


Kilwa half gram paper Albestila
1 Clio g thickness Almirla
1 kilo of Aalghemron
1 kilo of fish Alkelmar
Tablespoons of butter
Tablespoons chopped parsley
Half a cup of tea oil
A tablespoon of salt
Half a teaspoon of saffron (colorful diet)
Teaspoon black pepper (Abzar)
4 cloves garlic
Tablespoon of Alheirash the (Sudanese Filfila) are added according to taste
300 grams of Chinese noodles
Two cards of paper Moses


Vaporizes thickness Almirla in Alkskas and underneath the cooker liter of water. After the unrelenting Remove from the heat and secreted him thorns and wash Alkelmar the cum in hot water to facilitate purified, then cut into circles and peeling Aalghemron after washing it with salt and water.

Placed Chinese noodles in hot water then drain from the water and cut with a knife or scissors.
In placed Alkelmar the cooker with salt, garlic, saffron, black pepper and oil and a cup of water and cook for 15 minutes during which placed Aalghemron in a pan with two tablespoons of butter and stir well.

Raise the pot over the fire, in addition to fish also added noodles Alsnah and chili to taste and paper master Musey and mix all lightly then returned pot over the fire with Aharik until it evaporates completely discharged.

Fail Awhittan the well and in the circular oven tray devoted to Bstila, after lubricated simplify and paper Albestila on Chinese and plastered with some eggs and so with care to develop the smooth face of the paper from under the covers of Chinese paper so that the paper footnotes remain outside the Chinese.

Brushed on the area all Albestalh mixture after cooling completely then Weather it Aalghemron, the adapter in the pan, then discouraged footnotes papers then affixed with eggs and covering Albestalh of paper even disappear filling so remain footnotes to the paper again outside Alsnah.

This discouraged Notes from under the bed cover also commends under the mattress and painted face Albestalh the Bmah remaining Awhittin then painted a little melted butter.

After adding a small amount of oil in the Chinese aspects so as not to stick out, placed in a moderate oven for twenty minutes until Atord the color

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